How to Stop Sensitive Tooth Pain Immediately

Oct 25, 2023 | Dental Information, Oral Health Care

Sensitive teeth will make it hard to enjoy your favourite foods and drinks. Tooth sensitivity can affect your overall quality of life because it can cause pain and discomfort. Still, the following remedies can provide you with relief until you get to the dentist:

Desensitizing Toothpaste

This special product is made specifically for sensitive teeth, and it can help relieve pain and prevent it from travelling throughout your body. Some kinds of toothpaste contain ingredients that can irritate the nerve of your teeth, but desensitizing toothpaste can help soothe your pain. 

Hydrogen Peroxide Mouthwash

This mild antiseptic disinfectant can be used as a remedy for sensitive teeth. You can try rinsing your mouth with a hydrogen peroxide solution to help prevent inflammation and heal your gums

Green Tea

This kind of tea contains antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties. Rinsing your mouth with unsweetened green tea twice daily can help reduce inflammation and strengthen your teeth. 

Honey And Warm Water

Did you know honey is an antibacterial agent that can accelerate oral healing? Try rinsing your mouth with warm water and honey to reduce pain caused by sensitivity. 


Try massaging turmeric on the affected teeth because it contains anti-inflammatory properties and can help reduce pain. You can also try topical paste using turmeric, mustard oil and salt. This paste can be applied twice daily to the gums and teeth for pain relief. 


This contains analgesic properties and can be used as a mouthwash or gel to reduce pain. 

Saltwater Rinse

This is a common method often used to reduce pain in sensitive teeth. Salt is an antiseptic agent that can reduce inflammation, and rinsing your mouth with a saltwater solution for 30 seconds and then spitting it out can help relieve your pain. 

Vanilla Extract

Vanilla contains pain-relieving and antiseptic properties and can be used to treat sensitivity. Take a cotton ball, dip it in the vanilla extract, and then apply it to the teeth and gums for a few minutes. 

Clove Oil

Try pouring clove oil on a cotton ball and apply it to the affected area until the pain subsides. Clove oil contains anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties, and you can also try chewing cloves for 20-30 minutes until the pain subsides. 

Coconut Oil

Swishing coconut oil in your mouth for 20 seconds and then spitting it out is a process known as oil pulling and can be used for sensitive teeth because it can reduce sensitivity while promoting healthier teeth and gums. 

Now that you know what to do when you experience pain due to sensitive teeth, you can focus on the causes of sensitive teeth. Cavities, worn fillings, exposed roots, gum disease, injuries, receding gums and worn tooth enamel can all cause sensitive teeth. 

Temporary tooth sensitivity is common, but if you experience pain regularly when eating or drinking, it may be a sign of a serious dental issue, and you need to schedule an appointment with your dentist immediately. Dentin is an essential part of the tooth and is protected by hard enamel at the top and cementum at the root. Dentin contains microscopic tubules that connect to the tooth pulp, housing the nerves and can be very sensitive. 

If dentin loses its protective shield (enamel), the nerves become exposed, which can cause sensitivity. 

Experiencing tooth sensitivity does not necessarily mean you need a root canal, and your dentist will first assess the situation to provide you with the best treatment. Those who continue to experience sensitivity that does not go away even if they’re no longer drinking or eating hot or cold food may need a root canal to clean out decay and treat the pain. 

Tooth sensitivity that persists for a long period, swollen gums near a painful tooth, tooth discoloration resulting from an infected tooth pulp and continuous pain in the tooth bone, face, and jaw or in the other teeth are all warning signs that may indicate the need for a root canal. Your dentist will discuss all of this information. 


Are you experiencing frequent teeth sensitivity? Do you experience a tingling pain in your teeth when you eat or drink something hot or cold? Slipacoff Dental can help you find the cause of this problem, and we can then apply the necessary treatment accordingly. Tooth sensitivity is a common problem, and we can discuss how to proceed to eliminate your pain and discomfort. 

If you need dental implantscosmetic dentistry or just a routine cleaning, we do it all and have served the Sarnia community for years.

If you’d like to know more about dental implants or why you are experiencing sensitive teeth, contact us today to schedule an appointment!