by BreezeMaxWeb | Preventative Dental Care
Instill These Habits in Your Child for a Lifetime of Great Dental Health Getting your child to understand the importance of dental health is not easy, but it is absolutely necessary to instill an oral hygiene routine in your child because this may lead to a lifetime...
by BreezeMaxWeb | Preventative Dental Care
When is the Right Time to Change Your Toothbrush or Brush Head? The average person changes their toothbrush about two times each year. This is half the typical recommendation, which is to change your tooth brush (or brush head, if you use a Sonicare or similar) no...
by BreezeMaxWeb | Dental Information, Preventative Dental Care
How to Make Flossing Fun for Kids: Three Easy Tips for Parents and Caregivers In order to keep a child’s mouth healthy and cavity-free, children should be in the habit of flossing daily as a vital part of their oral care routine. Brushing alone is never enough to...
by BreezeMaxWeb | Dental Information, Oral Health Care, Preventative Dental Care
Flossing and Your Healthy Eating Goals: What the Two Have in Common Your teeth can last a lifetime if you follow your dentist’s recommendations. Even after hearing a dental professional give sound advice about oral care, many people still walk away thinking that...
by BreezeMaxWeb | Dental Information, Oral Health Care, Preventative Dental Care
Flossing: The Perfect Time to Check Your Mouth for Oral Health Issues Like many patients, chances are you’ve been sitting in your hygienist’s chair, every six months or so, admitting that you don’t floss regularly. Flossing is an instrumental component in keeping your...
by BreezeMaxWeb | Dental Information, Oral Health Care, Preventative Dental Care
Dental Scaling 101: Understand the Tools Used in this Common Dental Procedure Dental planing and scaling, also known as deep cleaning, is a procedure done at your dentist’s office to rid your gums of harmful bacteria that causes periodontal disease. Plaque, a sticky...